Friday, April 3, 2009


A question I received: What will the relationships be like in a corrected society, and how will the intention “for bestowal” change them?
Cum vor fi relatiile intr-o societate corecta si cum le va schimba intentia de a darui?

My Answer: If I were rich, I would buy out all the businesses, banks, and everything possible, and leave all the people at their jobs so they would have an opportunity to study. Let them produce 10 to 20 percent of their normal daily output, since the world doesn’t need any more than that anyway. This would also reduce the environmental pollution.
Daca as fi bogat as cumpara toate afaverile, bancile si tot ce e posibil, si as lasa ca oamenii la slujbele lor sa aiba posibilitatea de a studia. Lasa-i sa produca 10-20% din cit produc acum, caci oricum lumea nu are nevoie de mai mult. Aceasta ar reduce si poluarea mediului.

The remainder of their time at work would be spent studying, like little children in nursery and elementary schools. People would play all kinds of games of goodness, intended to teach them the answer to the question, “What does it mean to bestow?” This way they would learn what the quality of bestowal is, the reason it’s necessary, why it’s necessary to give, and the fact that we have no other choice.

In restul timpului ce le-ar ramine la lucru, sa studieze, ca copiii de la cresa sau scolile elementare. Oamenii ar juca atunci tot felul de jocuri ale bunatatii, intentionate pentru a-i invata sa raspunda la intrebarea, "Ce inseamna sa daruiesti?". In acest fel ar invata ce este calitatea de daruire, motivul pentru care este necesara, de ce e necesar sa dam, si faptul ca nici nu avem alta alegere.

sursa rav laitman


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